SupaSel Selenium
New slow release selenium prill for fertiliser use.
SupaSel Selenium is a slow release fertiliser additive applied by topdressing and is usually applied mixed with other fertilisers. It raises pasture selenium levels which then raises liver and blood selenium levels in stock grazing the pasture. When applied, SupaSel Selenium releases selenium at a gradual rate, elevating pasture selenium levels for 12 months.
SupaSel Selenium is available in either a 1% or 2% prill in 25kg bags or 1t bags.

Selenium (Se) as Sodium Selenate and Barium Selenate 10.00g/kg (1.0% w/w)
or 20.00g/kg (2.0% w/w)
Recommended rates of application
1% SupaSel Selenium
- Sheep/beef and deer: 1.0kg/ha of SupaSel Selenium annually to supply 10g/ha of elemental selenium
- Dairy: 1.0kg/ha of SupaSel Selenium annually to supply 10g/ha of elemental selenium.
2% SupaSel Selenium
- Sheep/beef and deer: 0.5kg/ha of Supasel Selenium annually to supply 10g/ha of elemental selenium
- Dairy: 0.5kg/ha of SupaSel Selenium annually to supply 10g/ha of elemental selenium.
- Slow Release, providing grazing livestock selenium supplementation for a full 12 months.
- Double the selenium concentration making SupaSel Selenium twice as cost effective as comparable products.
- High quality, readily available and slow release Selenium.
- Ready to use prills that can be added to a granular fertiliser blend
Directions For Use
- Mix SupaSel Selenium with dry fertiliser at rates calculated not to provide more than 1.0kg/ha (1% prill) or 0.5kg/ha (2% prill) (10g elemental Selenium/ha) annually.
Alternatively, administer directly to the soil at 0.5kg/ha annually. This provides 12 month selenium supplementation for all grazing livestock.
Do not administer directly to animals, and do not graze animals during application.
SupaSel Selenium is intended for application to soils only.
This product should only be used where low herbage selenium levels are known to occur.
Additional Information
There are currently two types of selenium prills, classed as either fast-release prills or slow-release prills. Fast-release prills (traditional sodium selenate based products) typically give an initial pasture peak in selenium levels. This peak can last 1 – 3 months and then return to pre-application levels in 5-6 months. Stock brought on to the property after this time period may require additional selenium supplementation.
Slow-release prills (SupaSel Selenium) on the other hand, once applied provides an initial boost to pasture selenium levels. The remaining selenium is then released at a gradual rate, sustaining pasture selenium levels for 12 months. This type of selenium has been the industry preferred product for a number of years.
Throughout the development of SupaSel Selenium, the main requirement was to achieve a true 12 month prill where animals could be introduced at any stage up to a year after application and still have adequate selenium intake. Prior farmer feedback indicated that the actual rates of selenium being applied per hectare at the recommended 0.5 kg/ha/yr or 1 kg/ha every two years was not sufficiently meeting modern intensive farming needs.
Trials have proved SupaSel Selenium effectiveness in meeting animals Se requirements. The trials show release patterns are comparable to other slow release selenium products and far superior to traditional sodium selenate based products.
SupaSel Selenium is an easy, cost effective way of ensuring stock have optimum selenium levels all year round and it is available in 25 kg or 1t bags.
Read More
Research Papers relating to Supasel Selenium/Selprill Double:
RG McLaren NZJAR Selenium 2006
Selenium Fertiliser for Sheep (Grace) 2006
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