Frequently Asked Questions

How is Glaze Extend supplied?   It is supplied in an IBC ready-to-use. It doesn’t require dilution.

What application rate should I use?  The application rate will be specified on the IBC label. Always apply in kg, not litres.Application rates vary depending on Local Regulations, but typical application is 4.0kg/t of 15% Glaze Extend to achieve 600ppm of NBPT on urea.You may prefer to measure ‘loss of weight’ of the IBC.

What type of blending system do I need?   Fertiliser suppliers and resellers can apply Glaze Extend to granular fertiliser in a batch or continuous blending system – this ensures uniform application.

Do I need to make any modifications for my blender equipment?   Any blender which creates a rolling momentum will adequately apply Glaze.

Are new lines required to apply Glaze Extend?   No, as long they’re cleaned out and don’t contain any previous product.  Glaze Extend is water-based so it’s important that any solvent-based material is completely removed from the system as the two are not compatible being mixed together. It is recommended to use lines 20mm or larger in diameter. If lines are left charged and not exposed to air, Glaze will remain as a liquid and ready to use.

Do I need to clean the blender after applying Glaze Extend?   No, as long as Glaze is applied to the fertiliser directly and not on the equipment.  Once production is ended, equipment and the lines can be washed out with water. 

Are spray nozzles required?   No, Glaze Extend is designed to spread without nozzles. It is a suspension based product with a lot of powders in the liquid so it’s important not to restrict the flow or create excess pressure in the lines. If wanting to fan product out for application on to a belt, we’d recommend the ‘Cobra head’ style nozzles. 

What pump should I use?    It is recommended to use a positive displacement pump due to the density of Glaze. These include peristaltic, mono or screw style pumps where the accuracy is maintained even as the pressure or ‘head’ height changes. Due to Glaze Extend being water based, standard seals are suitable and special seals are not required. Pump recommendations are detailed further below. 

What happens if the product is frozen or at very low temperatures?   Glaze will thicken as it gets colder and will freeze below 0°C.If this occurs, put a heating blanket on the IBC and heat it to 5°C where it can be applied as normal.Do not heat it beyond 5°C or at any other time because being a water-based product, it will hydrate the water out of the product, changing it’s composition.

How long does it take Glaze Extend to dry?   Depending on the coating rate, up to 30 seconds.

Will the coating crack or rub off?   Glaze is designed to dry and only be removed with moisture.If stored in a dry environment, Glaze will not crack or rub off.

Should I use a filter on the lines?    Glaze Extend is manufactured using a high-shear mixer where it is emulsified so it will not contain any lumps.  It is not recommended filtering the liquid through a fine mesh as this will pull the powders out of the liquid and create lumps or blockages over time. 

I have further questions, who can I contact?   Refer to or feel free to email us at 

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Phone: +64 21 043 7258

49 Hynds Drive, Rolleston 7675
New Zealand

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