About Glaze Coatings

Precision Fertiliser Coatings

Glaze Coatings was formed to take cutting-edge Agritech from New Zealand into International Markets.

We believe that technology can help address current economic, environmental and food security issues that face society today.  We would like to play our part in this by increasing technological advancement in the Agricultural sector, particularly within the fertiliser industry.

With our products, we want to equip fertiliser manufacturers with better technology and products.  These products will increase efficiency, improve nutritional benefits and value through our range of sustainable coatings.

We currently supply the following companies;

Contact us to receive a FREE sample pack!

We would love to hear from you and explore which Glaze products can benefit your business.

Phone: +64 21 043 7258
Email: office@glazecoatings.com

49 Hynds Drive, Rolleston 7675
New Zealand

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